You might have heard about Password Protected USB Pen drives but Did you know you can Password Protect USB Port of your computer too ?

Well, locking USB port of a computer sounds weird but if you talk to security experts you will find that this is any important and useful thing to do since USBs are primary source behind computer infections.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to lock USB port(s) of the computer. The reason for locking USB port of a computer can vary from person to person. May be you just don’t want anyone to copy your files and data or may be you want to restrict few people to access USB Port of your computer.
Whatever the reason is, I will today teach you How to password protect USB Port of computer, Simply How to Lock USB Port of Computer ?
By using this trick any one can access USB Port only if he or she knows password of it. So if USB Port of your Computer is locked then any of USB device whether it is Pen Drive, Data Card or something else, they cannot be accessed.
There are many techie and complicated ways of password protecting USB ports are present but why to waste time and resource when same can be done through a single click ?
You can use a software called USB Port Locked to lock USB Port of your computer.
Click here to Download USB Port Locked 4.0

Before using this software, PLEASE NOTE that this software can ONLY disable access to USB Port for only new USB devices, this mean if an USB device was connected previously on same computer, before installing this software then it can be connected again and accessed even though you have password protected USB.
In addition to locking USB port of computer, USB Port Locked also have feature of deleting autorun.inf file from USB Pen drive automatically. Autorun.inf most of the time contains malicious virus code, whenever Pen Drive is attached to computer then the virus will run automatically.
So you have now double benefit, You can password protect the USB port but at same time you can also protect your computer from autorun.inf viruses.
That’s it, Wasn’t that easy ? All you have to do is to install this software and enable it’s features.

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