Expense Tracker / Checkbook Register
Track and manage your daily expenses quickly and easily! Theexpense tracker UI is designed for one hand operation and onlytakes a few seconds to enter your personal or business expenses.Attach photos/images to each transaction as needed!
Personal Budget Planner
Effective budgeting can be fun and easy with a good budget planner.Set monthly budgets to accounts and/or categories and check at oneglance how well you are keeping to your personal budget from thecolor-coded health bars, and get warnings when you overspend orexceed your budget!
Detailed & Interactive Reports
Analyze your spending pattern over time with rich detailed &fully customizable reports.
12 reports available including: Expenses by Category, Monthly CashFlow, Income vs Expense, Daily & Monthly Expense &more…
Integrated Bills Reminder
Avoid paying late fees for your bills! Customize your bill reminderand get timely reminders. Optionally, take a picture of yourbills/invoices to keep a record.
Multi-currency support for Accounts
Accounts can be denominated in over 150 currencies with accuratecurrency symbols and decimal separators. Transfers between accountsof different currencies can also be performed complete with liveexchange rates support!
Split Transactions
Shopping at supermarkets? Expense IQ’s split transactions let yousplit a single large bill into multiple categories for moreaccurate representation of your expenditure. Transfers within splittransactions are also supported so you can accurately represent acash withdrawal while shopping at superstores like Walmart, allwithin a single receipt.

Expense IQ – Expense Manager v2.0.1 build 87 [Premium] | Mirror
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