When it comes to internet security, one cannot be too careful. Every so often you will hear of horror stories where people have had their social networking accounts tampered with. The worst case scenario is that you might end up having that is untoward getting posted. Employers have broadened the scope of what an employee can or cannot post on their timelines in the case of Facebook. If there is a distasteful message posted on your wall, some employers will take issue with you. Security procedures can take you so far as protecting your reputation is concerned. However, Facebook has a procedure that allows you to take your account out of commission for 15 days for security reasons. This article explicates what you should know in order to utilize this feature appropriately so that you don’t end up deleting your account permanently.

The first step is to ensure that you go to the settings tab on top. There you will find an option to deactivate your accounts. You should then follow the prompts so that you confirm whether or not you should deactivate the account. When you take this option the following things will not happen. First of all no one will be able to tag you any photos. Secondly you will not receive any notifications that you have subscribed to. In essence, you are essentially rendered Missing-In-Action from Facebook.

Some people have varied reasons why they might consider deactivating their account for two weeks. One reason is that they might have a security situation that they need resolved. In recent times, the spotless record for stellar security that Facebook has had over the course of its operation has been blemished by rising cases of hacks taking place. Considering that your Facebook profile is very vulnerable despite the measure that you might have in place to avert the situation, locking the account is the wisest recourse you can take. Biding your time until the threat passes is a wise move as it takes the target off your back and you can keep your information safe for the time being.

Another reason is that you might have an activity that requires your full attention. Facebook is somewhat very distracting and some individuals are predisposed to being distracted from the crucial issue they have at hand. To this end, deactivating the account in essence will leave you with ample time so that you can take care of business. If there were individuals that you wanted to avoid talking to for the time being, they cannot really reach you when you need. Students for example will find this feature from Facebook very useful.

Maybe you want to get away from all the noise. The hustle and bustle of cyberspace can be cloying and excessive noise can hinder you from really getting in touch with your thoughts. Getting unplugged once in a while will do you some good.

If you are thinking about getting unplugged for a period of two weeks without deleting your account, then the deactivate feature will help you out here.

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