Are you looking for an easy method to encrypt your mail without much hassle  Well, if that’s the case then you should try this Chrome extension called SafeGmail.
SafeGmail allows you to encrypt your email when you compose them. To encrypt emails it uses PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption technique (a common standard type of encryption) from within the Gmail interface. The recepient will need to answer a security question, the answer to which is only known to you and your recipient. The encryption happens on server side but the service claim that they won’t have access to personal messages.

How To use SafeGmail?

Once you have installed the extension, you will notice a small Encrypt check button just under attach file link and whenever you wish to encrypt your email, all you need to do is check the box. After that, two empty box will appear where you have to put your security quetion and answer to decrypt that email and send off your message.
SafeGmail will take a while to encrypt your message and a link and encrypted text will be provided to your recipient in the email. To decrypt the message, your recipient need to click on the link , answer the security question (the one you set) and then paste the encrypted text from the email in the text box that appears in the next step.
Cons of SafeGmail
  • The extension does not have a self destructing feature of emails after a limited amount of time, though it might not be needed by everyone but still it will be better to have that option.
Overall, SafeGmail is an easy to use extension and if you wanna have a peek on the source code of the extension, you can check it here.

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