Are you fan of taking high quality screenshots and sharing them with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest or send them in email. Well, if you regularly do that then you must know that all these images got one thing in common – large file sizes. Sending or Sharing such large files waste a lot of needles bandwidth and time.

Resize Images using RoboSizer

With Robosizer, you need not to worry about large image size at all. Robosizer is a free app, which silently works in your computer backend and detects any image uploading activity. It will automatically resize images that you are going to upload online.
Robosizer automatically resize images you upload
Robosizer lets you specify image dimensions, quality of the image, its resolution. You can also specify standard file formats like JPG, TGA, PNG etc. RoboSizer intercept the image that are trying to upload and then forward its resized version. You will receive a notification, each time RoboSizer resize an Image.
Features of RoboSizer
  • It supports wide variety of Web applications.
  • Automatic resize whenever you share your images.
  • Save your time and Internet bandwidth.
  • Small and user Friendly tool.
Download RoboSizer

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