While using Microsoft latest offering operating system(Windows 8) you must have noticed that whenever you open the All Apps listing on your system, it shows you shortcuts of all the installed apps along with Start menu Entries, links to Websites and read me files.

Though some of you may find these shortcuts useful but there are many who thinks that it only adds clutter on the page and there is no need for these links to appear on the All Apps listings.

Manually remove extra shortcuts from Windows 8

To manually remove these shortcuts all you have to do is head over to this directory in your system and remove them
c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
but this could prove a tiresome task, depending upon the number of apps and programs you have installed on your Windows 8 system.

Easily Remove Windows 8 Shortcuts

If you feel manually cleaning up your All Apps is a tedious task than a third party tool like ShortcutsMan might interest you. ShortcutsMan is simple standalone program by Nirsoft that displays the list of all system shortcuts that you have on your Windows 8 PC. The program even checks for broken shortcuts and show them in Pink color, if found any.
After running the tool, ShortcutsMan will scan your PC for all the available shortcuts and display them in it’s interface. You can choose to remove the shortcuts that you don’t wish to see on your All Apps page.
Note:- Since it even display first party shortcuts on its interface, you have to be extra careful while removing shortcuts as you might don’t like to remove shortcuts of desktop or Windows store from the page.

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