So, What is Alexa Rank?
Alexa defines themselves as web information company and it is owned by Amazon Inc.
1.Alexa Rank gets updated on regular basis.
2.They rank every website based upon a specific algorithm.
Alexa ranking algorithm is very much peculiar.They only count those hits which pass through their system.That means they only count those visitors who have installed alexa toolbar in their browser.
1.So if a website has good alexa rank doesn’t mean that it has good traffic.It only mean that it has good number of visitors who have installed alexa toolbar in their browsers(Mostly Techy Guys)
2.Generally alexa rank will be higher for the websites which are related to Blogging ,Technology , Design etc.
Should you really bother about Alexa Rank?
Again it depends upon your own perspective.
1.If you want to attract more advertisers to your blog and earn more then alexa rank is crucial.
2.Generally advertisers look for blogs with good alexa rank.So if your blog has good alexa rank then chances of getting direct advertisement are more.
3.If you depend only on Traditional Advertising like Adsense and Textual Advertising then you should not really bother about Alexa Rank.
As already said Alexa has nothing to do with your traffic and search engine ranking.Your search ranking are neither shows a positive impact nor negative impact as well.So if your alexa is lower than other website then you need not worry about the search ranking or search traffic.
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