Should we remove it ?

Blogger provides a great platform for anyone to write anything under the sun. But there is just one problem. When there is a visitor to our site, they can easily identify that we are using the Blogger Platform. The long search bar at the top and the Statement “Simple template - Power By Blogger” at the bottom distinctly tell our site visitor that we are using Blogger. Some of us might want to remove this two items in the blogger platform to built on our own online presence; seperate from blogger.

Removing Navbar - gadget

This is rather a simple step. Blogger has make it easy to remove its NavBar. Follow the steps below and you will say goodbye to the NavBar.
First, to remove the long search bar, go to the LAYOUT and EDIT the gadget-Navbar. Then select off and Save. And there you go; no more search bar.

Removing Attribution gadget

Next, we will remove the statement “Simple template - Power By Blogger”. This statement is due to the gadget –Attribution. By default, we will not be able to remove this under the layout. But it can be overcome by a bit of tweet to the HTML coding.
*Remember to back up your HMTL code before doing this in case you accidentally deleted some others stuff
Go to Template > Edit HTML >Jump to Widget and choose 'Attribution'. You should be able to see below code.
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'/>
Change locked='true' to locked='false' and showaddelement=’no’ to showaddelement=’yes’.
It should look like this after edition

<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='false' title='' type='Attribution'/>
Then go to LAYOUT and look for the Attribution gadget (Most likely at the bottom of the LAYOUT). Click EDIT, then choose remove and the attribution will be gone.

Look likes you own the Blog

After these two adjustment, we will notice that there will not be any Blogger statement or logo when we scroll through our blogs. Finally, our visitor will not be able to know which blogging platform we are using unless when we use their domain name

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